Phuoc Long intellectuals meet and dialogue in 2024

Wednesday - 04/12/2024 15:35 87 0
On the morning of November 15, Phuoc Long Town Party Committee organized a meeting and dialogue with intellectuals in 2024. Attending were Mr. Nguyen Van Nhan - Vice Chairman of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations; Ms. Tran Hong Tuyet - General Secretary of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations; Provincial Party Committee Member - Secretary of Phuoc Long Town Party Committee Huynh Thi Thuy Trang, along with members of the Standing Committee of the Town Party Committee; leaders of the People's Council, People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the town; leaders of departments, branches, organizations and especially the presence of 141 delegates representing the intellectual team in the town.
Phuoc Long intellectuals meet and dialogue in 2024
On the morning of November 15, Phuoc Long Town Party Committee organized a meeting and dialogue with intellectuals in 2024. Attending were Mr. Nguyen Van Nhan - Vice Chairman of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations; Ms. Tran Hong Tuyet - General Secretary of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations; Provincial Party Committee Member - Secretary of Phuoc Long Town Party Committee Huynh Thi Thuy Trang, along with members of the Standing Committee of the Town Party Committee; leaders of the People's Council, People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the town; leaders of departments, branches, organizations and especially the presence of 141 delegates representing the intellectual team in the town.

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